If you are interested in getting more information about the St. John's ministries, please contact the Rectory.
Members of the Liturgy Committee meet once each month to discuss and evaluate liturgical celebrations that have happened and to plan for the liturgical seasons and special feast days coming. Members represent the various ministries involved with liturgy such as: choir, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, environment, priest, deacon, and others. We are looking for several new members. For Spanish, contact Jesus Enriquez 510-461-5411.
The Mass Coordinator at weekend Mass was established to free the priest from dealing with questions and problems, so he can focus on the sacred preparation of Mass. Each Mass has an assigned MC who must be familiar with all the ministries and duties involved in the liturgy, and be able to answer questions. The MC should arrive at the church 30 minutes before the start of Mass and oversees the ministers who setup, gets out the books, turns on lights, etc. Training and written guidelines are provided. Those who are Eucharistic ministers already know most of the necessary information. For Spanish, contact Jesus Enriquez 510-461-5411.
Altar care includes several small groups of workers who take care of the physical needs of the church. These workers take turns once or twice each month and have written schedules and guidelines. Laundry group: wash and iron altar cloths and other altar linens. Holy water group: clean holy water fonts and refill with new water.
Flower care group: dispose of old flowers, change the water, wash vases and clean surfaces where flowers are placed. Usually done Monday and Friday mornings.
Catholic youth third grade and older who have already received First Eucharist are invited to assist at the liturgies as altar servers. Being an altar server offers students opportunities to grow in faith and love of God through sharing their gifts with the parish. These young women and men give example to all who worship at St. John’s. Training is provided and a commitment is required from the student and his or her parents. Servers unable to fulfill their assigned responsibility are asked to find a substitute. We would like to add more members to our ministry. We would like to have additional altar servers and additional adult coordinators.
The purpose of this ministry is to enhance the "ambiance ", the setting for what is occurring on the altar. This ministry is challenging but at same time extremely rewarding. All that we do adds not only to the physical beauty but most important an increased spiritual and reflective awareness of where we are and what we are witnessing during Holy Mass. The goal is to compliment the action of the sacred mystery we witness, not to draw attention away from it.
There are approximate 10 members who have signed up to help around the year. Tasks are distributed as helpers sign up depending on what the liturgical calendar calls for. Most of the work is done after daily Mass, but some is done late in the evening hours depending on work schedules and uses of the church itself. If you would like to join our ministry or have any questions, you can contact Mario Cuestas at mecuestas1060@gmail.com or 209-815-7463.
It is both a privilege and an honor to hold the position of Eucharistic Minister. One of the functions of a Eucharistic Minister is to help distribute the Eucharist at Sunday Masses. Another function for some ministers is the opportunity to take the Eucharist to older people, the homebound and rest homes in our parish that are unable to make it to Mass. They not only bring the Body of Christ, but they also spend time together in conversation and companionship. If you feel called to serve as an EM, contact Connie Simone at 510-693-0113 for English Masses or Carmen Ruiz at 510-258-2627; carmen.ruiz35@yahoo.com for Masses in Spanish.
Those who serve as ushers and greeters are a special breed: welcoming, warm, always ready to help or to answer questions. They are the first people that worshippers meet when they arrive for our weekend liturgies and are the ones who send them on their way with a smile at the end of Mass. Greeters and ushers help everyone who comes to St. John’s Community to feel welcome. They assist with the collection and help distribute the bulletins after Mass. They invite a family to present the gifts of bread and wine at the Offertory. They also provide the invaluable service of being “point persons” in case of emergencies. These ministers are also asked at times to serve at special liturgies, as their own schedule and preference allows. They meet once or twice a year for spiritual renewals and new instructions or changes in the liturgy. If you are inspired to serve our church as an usher or greeter, please contact our coordinators below: Rachel O. (510) 461 9278 or nogbeide@yahoo.com; or Mike W. (510) 278-2528 or mjoewirth@yahoo.com; or Jesus Gavino at 510-209-3248 for Spanish.
Lectors clearly proclaim the readings at Sunday and weekday Masses. Lecturing is an art with historical foundations dating back to the time when the Christian community gathered to hear the word of God, because many in the community were not able to read themselves. We must proclaim the word of God aloud to help God’s message take a journey in our own lives. As a lector you will attend a training session of how to be a good lector. You will also be asked to renew your commitment to this ministry annually. We have over 30 lectors for both English and Spanish Masses but we always want to recruit more members for our ministry. So if you feel called to be a proclaimer of God’s Word, please contact our coordinators. For English, contact Juan Magdaraog at 510-537-2114 or juanlm2@aol.com. For Spanish, contact Jose Aurelio Vasquez at 510-921-2828.
Once each month, the 9:30 am Mass fosters participation by families with the children taking active part serving as choir members, greeters, lectors and families bringing up the gifts. Parents participate by being on the planning and coordinating teams.