Saturday: 3-4:00 P.M.
Infant Baptism Program
The baptism of a child gives the parents an opportunity to look at their own Christian life and spirituality and to see how they are living out their own baptism commitment. Parents are required to come to the Religious Education Office for a personal interview. At this interview the two required classes for parents and godparents will be discussed and scheduled. The celebration of the Sacrament will occur during a weekend Mass to be arranged at the interview and confirmed after completion of the catechesis. Read more...
Youth Sacramental Preparation
Elementary School age children who wish to be Baptized in the Catholic Church participate in two years of preparation that parallel the RCIA Adult Initiation) process. After at least two years of preparation (this could take longer depending on each child's readiness and desire) the child will be Baptized and receive First Eucharist at the same time. This requires faithful participation in Religious Education Class at the child's grade level throughout the process. The first year is for the child to participate fully with his/her peers in the Catholic life, to learn how to converse about God and his/her experience of God and the Catholic Church. Weekly participation in Mass is expected for the entire family.
During the second year beginning around Thanksgiving the child participates in weekly dismissal from the 9:30 Mass every Sunday. This time is the specific preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism. During Lent there are additional rituals as part of the 9:30 Mass and a special ritual at the Cathedral of Christ the Light in Oakland with the Bishop and the other people in the Diocese who will be Baptized that Easter. In addition there are classes for Parents and Children together to focus on the Sacrament of the Eucharist to be received at the same Mass as the Baptism. These classes are usually held on Monday Evenings as part of the Parish Adult and Family Formation. They are advertised in the bulletin as well as in the Religious Education Monthly Newsletter. Participation in all of the Parent/Child classes is required.
The Sacraments are celebrated as part of a weekend Mass during the Easter Season.
Saint John the Baptist Parish offers preparation for first Eucharist (Communion) and first Reconciliation (Confession) for children beginning as early as first grade. The preparation for the two Sacraments requires at least two years of faithful participation in Religious Education Class at the child's grade level. The first year is for the child to participate fully with his/her peers in the Catholic life. Weekly participation in Mass is expected for the entire family.
During the second year there are additional classes for Parents and Children together to focus on the Sacrament to be received. These classes are usually held on Monday Evenings as part of the Parish Adult and Family Formation. They are advertised in the bulletin as well as in the Religious Education Monthly Newsletter. Participation in all of the Parent/Child classes is required.
First Reconciliation is scheduled early in Lent on a Saturday morning.
First Communion is celebrated as part of a weekend Mass during the Easter Season.
The St. John's confirmation program is intended for high school aged students. The confirmation program is a two year period of preparation in which all those seeking to receive confirmation must participate. This includes those students who attend Catholic high schools. It is expected that those in the preparation program will:
have been baptized in the Roman Catholic faith
attend Mass on Sundays and Holy days in accordance with our Catholic tradition
wisely participate in the Sacrament of Eucharist and Reconciliation
achieve a deeper knowledge of what Catholics believe by studying the information provided and participating in group discussions and activities
attend service opportunities each year
make a mature decision to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation
Marriage Preparation
The engaged couple must schedule an initial interview at least 6 months in advance of their wedding date. St. John's requires that all engaged couples participate in an engaged encounter weekend. Our parish also handles Lack of Form cases and formal annulments. At least one other meeting is scheduled with the couple after they complete their engaged encounter weekend to plan their wedding ceremony. Call the rectory office for more information. Read more...
Adult Sacramental Preparation - RCIA
Adults who are preparing for their Baptism, first Eucharist, and Confirmation are prepared by taking part in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initation of Adults) program. Adults are initiated into the church and receive their sacraments at the Easter Vigil mass each year. Those wishing to receive their sacraments may be Catholics already or may belong to another denomination or religion but wish to become Catholic.
Please go to
Adult Education for more information about the RCIA process.